Pilates Teacher Training

Welcome to a new world. Move Up Acadamy is truly a life changing experience.

MISSION STATEMENT - “To build hope in the hopeless and encourage fortitude in the achieving. To never give up on the goodness and dignity of humanity but always call others to greatness.”

Our mission is a unique one for a teaching institute and profession. How does this remotely apply to exercise? The answer is… profoundly. Each person who teaches at or receives instruction from Move Up Academy is profoundly respected and accepted no matter where they are on their journey to greatness. We operate with the fundamental belief that every person IS great and IS called to greatness. The Pilates Method enables people to better understand themselves and those around them while at the same time freeing them from their restrictions. Restrictions both in body and ability. We believe that Pilates, this way of being, is a very beautiful gift. A gift that truly deserves to be experienced by everyone no matter their job, title or economic status. We are trying to make that possible through the gift of our teaching program and studio.

The Nuts and Bolts

The Move UP Academy teaches authentic Pilates in the style of a traditional paid apprenticeship. The Academy’s comprehensive 560-hour PROGRAM OF STUDY consists of a Mat Certification, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Pilates Equipment Certifications, a total of 462 hours of training, observation, practice, and teaching hours, 80 hours of seminars, 18 hours of private teacher training sessions, 14 hours of progress tests, practical exams, and 1 final examination. Throughout the PROGRAM OF STUDY students complete 400 hours of supervised instruction and 160 hours of unsupervised instruction. 

It is expected that the student will complete the PROGRAM OF STUDY in under 12 months. At the completion of this program and passing the final examination the student will receive a diploma from Move UP Academy. The education students receive through MUA will prepare them to complete successfully the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) International Pilates Certification Exam and have a successful career as a Pilates Instructor.

SPRING SESSION – Enrollment open NOW

Mandatory in person lecture dates 2025:

Level 1 Meeting – At Move Up Studio – 1st Saturday in May at 1:00pm

Tactile Cueing Seminar – At Move Up Studio – 1st Saturday in July at 1:00pm

End time of lectures depends on Student needs. Average time is a 2-hour commitment. Lecture dates may change. Changes only occur by 100% agreement or need of all students enrolled.

Our Philosophy

“One can learn every Pilates exercise on every piece of equipment and still not know Pilates.”

- Eve Gentry in 1991.

The Move UP Academy is not a franchise. There are no hidden fees or partial programs in our agreement. We do not offer a “fast track” to learning the intricacies and beauty of the Pilates Method. We produce teachers who want to be the very best at what they do. The Pilates Method is not just a set of exercises, but more an approach or way of interacting. We provide extensive training in all skills necessary for the student to become a successful Pilates teacher in a busy, working Pilate’s studio.

We teach the “ABCs” of Pilates by staying true to the original teachings of Joseph H. Pilates and his wife Clara, as taught to Eve Gentry by Joseph Pilates. Once students have completed our program, they will have the confidence and expertise to teach others the authentic and complete system of the Pilates Method. Our "hands-on" approach to teaching the Pilates Method allows the student to develop and grow at his or her own pace with on-going support and feedback. We operate in a fully equipped studio committed to the success of each and every individual student.


Move Up Academy in accordance with its’ founding principles to provide a revolutionary service to its’ community has a different price structure than most Pilates Certifications. The Academy does not charge a tuition, at this time. Instead, it runs on an apprentice program. The current total cost for the Move UP Academy teacher training program is $1,610 plus the cost of books. You do not have to pay this fee outright. You can pay as you go. The original fees and the actual fees are outlined below. *Some textbooks are not included in this total.                                                            

Other Schools’ Fees  $11,000 Our Price $1,465

REGISTRATION FEE    Theirs $150                    Ours  $120

MAT CERTIFICATION       Theirs $2275               Ours  $0

Courses 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

4 Personal Tutoring Sessions             Theirs     $260                   Ours $220

LEVEL 1    Theirs  $2275                     Ours $0

Courses 201, 202, 203, 204, 205

3 Personal Tutoring   Theirs $195                     Ours  $165

 LEVEL 2 Theirs $2275               Ours. $0

Courses 301, 302, 303, 304, 305

8 Personal Tutoring Sessions      Theirs $520                   Ours $440

LEVEL 3 Theirs $2275                 Ours $0

Course 401, 402, 403, 404, 405

4 Personal Tutoring Sessions  Theirs $260                     Ours $220

FINAL EXAM Theirs $250 Ours $250

Other fees* Printed MUA Student Handbook        Theirs $200                     Ours $50

Other fees* MUA video’s                    Theirs $100                     Ours $0


APPRENTICESHIP FEE STRUCTURE - *based on only 1 client per hour taught

Mat Certified     $70*                

Level 1                  $656.25          

Level 2                 $918.75        

Level 3                 $1,181.25       

TOTAL *MINIMUMN EARNINGS             $2,826.25

Apply Today:

Move UP Academy Teacher Training Program is offered all year round. You can start today. The PROGRAM OF STUDY begins with MAT CERTIFICATION – THE COMPREHENSIVE BEGINNING PROGRAM. After passing the Fundamental Mat Test-Out your paid teaching hours begin. The next 3 sections LEVEL 1-THE ONE-ON-ONE APPROACH, LEVEL 2-DISCOVERING HOW TO SEE and LEVEL 3-DEEPENING YOUR TEACHING SKILLS certify you on the Pilates equipment the Trapeze Table, Universal Reformer, Wunda Chair, Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector and various props. Each level redefines you as an instructor due to the intense Anatomy and Physiology course work and Business Skills learned. Therefore, as you graduate through the levels your pay increases. Most of the Courses are done at your own pace online. There are 3 in-person meetings with set dates, see Program Schedule for details. There are multiple in person progress tests and Training Hours which you schedule as your schedule allows and depending on studio availability.